During our webinar on Wednesday, we explored a growing trend in ecommerce—BNPL.

Don’t know what BNPL stands for? It means Buy Now, Pay Later. (Don’t worry if you didn’t know, I didn’t know what it was either until we saw it pop up in some retail trends over the past few months!)

After learning a bit more, we immediately asked ourselves, “How is BNPL reflected in our email-centric world?” More to the point: we dove into the MailCharts Index of brands to discover messaging and campaign tips for ecommerce email marketers, like you. MailCharts is built for that exact use-case!

And the results? Watch the below video for all we discussed, but the summary is: we can use our campaigns to educate our customers on how BNPL works and drive them to learn more … for when they’re ready to consider their next purchase.

Click here for Buy Now, Pay Later examples—here’s a bit more about what we’re seeing.

  • Communicate the value of BNPL flexibility: ecommerce brands are focusing on the value of flexible payment options when they communicate with the customer.
  • Include step-by-step instructions for how it works: ease of use is one of the key messages in BNPL campaign messaging.
  • Use CTAs to educate customers: While there are typical CTAs that are inciting customers to try out new payment options (Shop now or Try now) we’re also seeing many CTAs that are inviting users to read more about different financing options (Find out more and Learn more).

Watch the full webinar recording to see all the tips and insights!

We’ll be back soon with more campaign inspiration using our data to help you plan upcoming campaigns and dominate emerging trends. Have a suggestion for an upcoming webinar? Let us know by email [email protected].

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